Your enrollment is confirmed when we receive your forms.
Please complete and return these forms to enroll new students.
Please complete & bring these forms to enroll returning students.
MEDICAL EXEMPTION - must be completed by a physician for a child to attend when missing or catching up on Immunizations.
Medication while in school? State requirements guide the following categories of medication or medical services to be administered by the non-medical staff at our school.
OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS - Dosing instructions must be on the original box label.
PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION - Your child's name and Doctor's instructions must be on the prescription label on the box/container.
CONSENT FOR ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION - Must accompany any medication type or sunscreen. If the medication's instruction is "as needed," the Physician's Medical Instructions is required with Incidental Medical Services forms.
INCIDENTAL MEDICAL SERVICES - Our school is prepared to administer Incidental Medical Services for EpiPen Jr. for food allergies and Inhalers for Asthma after an Incidental Medical Services Evaluation. To evaluate and determine that we can safely meet your child's needs, bring your forms during your appointment within a week of your application. Physician Medical Instructions are required at the meeting.
FOOD ALLERGIES/SENSITIVITIES - Custom or limited menus or are not available. A medical reason is required to request Dietary Accommodations. Certain aspects of our meal program cannot be changed, so to ensure a good fit and safe environment, we must review your Safety Report before we can confirm enrollment.
Each food allergy noted on your application requires Safety Report and Incidental Medical Services Plan of Operations. ADietary Accommodations Request is required for the school to change our menu or treat the list (avoid or replace food).An incidental Medical Services Evaluation must take place within a week of application to save your space.
THERAPY AT OUR SCHOOL - Students may have a therapist come to our school, as long as, their visit and work with them can be accommodated within our program and without disruption to it.
Therapy time must be before 12 and school time can't be made up.
Files to Review:
HANDBOOK FOR PARENTS - Read before enrolling.
SAMPLE MENU - for Dietary accommodation, see above.
Space is limited in our unique, innovative, and individualized program as it prepares your little one at the private school level.
As an Exemplary Preschool for Valley Christian Schools, our students will receive a $1000 Scholarship at graduation from PreK!
To save your space and enroll early for Summer & next School Year
Tuition is due at time of enrollment by cash or check in one annual payment. Alternatively, you may choose a monthly payment plan through an automatic scheduled payment on the 5th of the month.
FACTS Management Company
Click the logo to get started >
Children 2 to 7 can register at First Discoveries at any time, provided there is space in the program you want to enroll in. Our school enrolls for one school year at a time, spaces are assigned on a “first come - first served” basis year-round, as long as we have spaces available.
All paperwork must be completed and turned in, and fees paid before your child's space can be confirmed. The annual tuition or FACTS agreement must be set for monthly payment plans before 1st day.
© 2017 Terry Beckett. All rights reserved.
Parents, you can choose the days that work best with your schedule. Some days might fill up faster.
You must have attended a tour to register.
1 It is required to attend a Tour to enroll. Your application will be processed after you've attended a tour.
2 If want to pay monthly, create a FACTS agreement (Orange section to the right on this page) & select your payment plan.
3 Complete the Application for the term you need above.
4 Check the box to pay for your Emergency Kit & Registration Fee.
5 Choose a date to bring in your Enrollment Forms to start...
6 Complete and submit the Application...
7. Bring or Email your Enrollment forms if you didn't upload them.
** If you have a coupon, apply it at the end of the application.
When we receive your application we'll save your child's space. When we receive your Enrollment forms we'll confirm enrollment.
For little ones under 2.5 years old...
To ensure little ones are comfortable in our routine, students starting between 2 yrs 1 month and 2 and a half yrs old, must attend a Trial Day. Older students may also attend when parents are concerned about readiness for preschool.
"Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path." ~ Psalm 119:105
All rights reserved for all content & images are Copyright © 2007-2023 First Discoveries Christian School. Photos, files, forms, and content on this site, aside from what is already
noted to be copyrighted by another company, are property of Terry Beckett, and they shall not be used for commercial or personal use without written permission from Director, Terry Beckett, First Discoveries Christian Preschool and parents of the student. Unauthorized alteration, reproduction, or sale of all images, copy, content and design is strictly prohibited.